Al-Fajr" interviews "the most prominent hero" in saving the "cave team" in Thailand"
The story of the "cave team" who lost northern Thailand ended, and their story ended in saving them all from the dead, leaving only the bright spots, which were resurrected Thanks to high-powered soldiers, who had mobilized the world to rescue these young men
Pichamon Changkwanyuen, A girl living in Bangkok, one of the celebrities working in TV production, was the first to rescue children as soon as they heard of the news of their loss in the terrible "Tam Luang" caves, exhausted all their energies that were crowned with great success
"Al-Fajr " met "Changkwanyuen" to tell us her wonderful experience in saving the "Cave Youth" and how the world mobilized towards it
?At first، identify yourself and what is your field of work
My name is Pichamon Changkwanyuen, I work in television production, the latest of which was the music show "The Cover" I’m Producer Editor and also do an audition
?How did you hear the first news of the loss of the team in the cave
We heard from tv news in the morning and by that evening we’re already at the cave
?How did you deal with this، after your knowledge of this news
My brother is a head of our cave diver team so will tell me when SEAL want to use any equipment and they can’t find around that area(ChiangRai) My friend (who also in the team and she is Thai celebrity) help me announce on her Facebook and tell reporter to help us announce if anyone wants to donate all things
?How was people reacting after invitations on Facebook and asking for help
After people saw these publications or watched television news, many people called me and wanted to help with all the heat. When we asked for anything, we got more than we wanted within 24 hours
?How was your role exactly
I am the one who answer the phone and manage all thing transport from everywhere around country to ChaingRai
?Have you encountered problems with aid and delivery
We have already encountered some problems, as a result of a lot of aid from people around the country
The problem was not to allow direct aid to the scene because of the complexities of roads and long distances, so the alternative was our house in Bangkok, which was used as an aid center, after I asked my parents to use it
? What happened after taking your home as an aid center
Then I got a volunteer who has a truck that picks up all these things from Bangkok to ChaingRai
? What about the rescue teams and divers who interacted with you
We all team from Bangkok and some diver (foreigner) from Phuket Surat Pattaya
Her’s the list of our team
SEAL Support Team Coordinater
1.Narinthorn Na Bangchang From Bangkok
2.Pichamon Changkwanyuen From Bangkok
3.Techa Tubtong From Bangkok
Cave Diver
1.Ruengrit Changkwanyuen From Bangkok
2.Porasu Komalatas From Bangkok
3.Kittinun Suwanpunyakul From Bangkok
4.Ben Raymemants (Belgium) From Phuket
5.Bruce Konefe (American) From Pattaya
6.Vsevolod Korobov (Ukrainian) From Phuket
7.Maksym Polyjaka (French) From Phuket
8.Claus Rasmassen (Danish) From Phuket
9.Ivan Karadzic (Danish) From Surat
10.Erik Brown (Canadian) From Surat
11.Mikko Paasi (Finnish) From Surat
12.Nick VollmR (German) From Surat
13.Sirasate Wimonsitichai From Chiangmai
?how did you see the officials in your country dealing with the event
I feel like everyone combined their hearts together and focus on one thing which is all kids in the cave. They work all day all night didn’t have any complaint. Everyone help like they are their own sons
?How to deal with the psychological side of parents of children
Actually all parents are really understand, they are so clam and believe in the government so they just wait no problem at all
?What is the most difficult stage you faced in rescue operations
Transportation is really bad, The difficult part is when we need some equipment from outside the cave it takes time we can’t get it right away, All area full of mud. Wet and dirty, And because of our job is support equipment for SEAL we have to make it in time when they want to use
?How are children now
They are still in the hospital, but they are okay and eat normal food, but only soft food