The most prominent archaeological sites in Marsa Alam

The city of Marsa Alam in the southern Red Sea of Egypt is considered a popular tourist destination، and contains many archaeological and historical sites. Here are some important archaeological sites in Marsa Alam:
1. The Temple of the Airplane: It is considered one of the most important temples in ancient Egypt and is located in the city of Qusayr near Marsa Alam. It dates back to ancient times and was built to worship the god Horus.
2. Deir el-Bahri site: It is considered an important archaeological site containing antiquities dating back to the Roman era. It is located near Marsa Alam، specifically on Ruwaisat Island.
3. Old City of Portugal: This abandoned city is one of the most important archaeological sites in Marsa Alam، and it is very historical، dating back to ancient times. The city includes the remains of a castle، a church and cemeteries.
4. Old Bandar Site: It is considered an archaeological site that contains the remains of the ancient Bandar area، which was used by commercial caravans in ancient times. It is located near Marsa Alam and dates back to the Ptolemaic and Roman eras.
5. Old City of Qusayr: It is located near Marsa Alam and contains important historical monuments dating back to the Pharaonic، Roman، and Byzantine eras. The city is famous for its large temple، which was dedicated to the god Amun.
These are some of the archaeological sites in Marsa Alam، and there are more fascinating historical and archaeological sites in the areas surrounding the city. It is recommended to visit these sites accompanied by a local tour guide to enjoy a more enriching experience